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Only 2%
of websites are
truly accessible
to blind and visually impaired consumers.

Illustration of a computer with a document titled 'Approved ADA-Compliant Website' unfurling from it.
trio working

We're Proud of the Work We Do.

At AllyADA, we've developed a tech and human-based solution to the very real problem of global website accessibility failures, and we're changing the e-commerce landscape one brand at a time. By auditing websites for ADA compliance violations, we're bringing global accessibility objectives into reach and making the internet a better place for blind and visually impaired consumers. With accessibility, equity, and independence as core values, we're improving the online experience for individuals and building community at the same time.

We do this by helping our clients make strategic website upgrades to improve accessibility. This protects them from burdensome, unnecessary, and costly litigation and regulatory fines, boosts website traffic, grows brand loyalty and goodwill, increases the flow of e-commerce, incentivizes generous tax breaks, and creates reinvestment opportunities. We've unlocked the secret to smart business success by solving a problem that exists where business, fairness, and compassion overlap. And we couldn't be prouder of the work we do.

graphic indicating that only 2 percent of sites are built using the correct accessibility standards, 48% of sites use the wrong standards, and 50% do not use accessibility at all

Over 33,000 sites tested

The internet is a sea of data, and being able to access that data freely and easily is a right. In order to drive meaningful change, at AllyADA we also harness that data to demonstrate the disparity between the existence of ADA regulations and the implementation and enforcement of those regulations. To do this, AllyADA's advanced technical team tests websites on a rolling basis to generate meaningful statistics that further the advancement of accessibility for blind and visually impaired internet users in the United States and beyond. With over 33,000 websites tested and counting, our data confirms that only an abysmal 2% of websites are fully accessible, 48% are semi-accessible, and 50% are entirely inaccessible. But don't worry- we're changing all that!

web conference

We provide computer literacy courses for the blind

We host FREE online classes where blind and visually impaired people learn best practices for navigating the web!

With independence as a core value, working with our clients to fix accessibility failures is only the first step. At AllyADA, we strive to ensure that every blind and visually impaired consumer has access to the practical training and skills needed to optimize the e-commerce experience from start to finish. After all, even with accessibility improvements, online independence remains out of reach when practical web navigation skills remain elusive.

Our free online courses give you access to professional skills, insights, and tips that you can use to optimize your online experience in an easy and inclusive way. Sign up today!

metaphoric representation of financial literacy through the display of a mountain of money

We provide financial literacy courses for the blind

We host FREE online classes where blind and visually impaired people learn valuable financial literacy skills!

At AllyADA, we believe that greater accessibility is greater independence and that knowledge is the most powerful ally of all. As world-class thought leaders, our team is comprised of modern legal and regulatory minds who recognize that blind and visually impaired people do not always have easy access to trustworthy financial and credit repair information. But we intend to fix that.

We aren't just breaking the barriers to online accessibility; we're breaking the barriers to greater financial freedom, too. With our offering of free financial literacy classes, you can expand your knowledge of the issues, applications, and best practices that ensure you remain a safe, savvy, and financially buoyant consumer in today's economy.

blind man and woman walking led by a guide dog

We offer jobs for the blind

We truly believe that the most important perspective on website accessibility barriers is yours. And since we're fully committed to integrating our values with our business plan, we employ a team that accurately reflects the diversity of the consumer experience we're trying to improve. By hiring blind and visually impaired people, we ensure that our clients have access to the highest and most competitive standards of excellence and that the people directly impacted by ADA compliance failures have a voice in the accessibility revolution.

Some businesses see blind and visually impaired people as second-class citizens and only implement accessibility upgrades after facing lawsuits and regulatory fines. We see you as equals and pay you to conduct manual testing of websites for accessibility barriers. Your unique experiential insights drive our ability to continuously evolve our analysis and expand the ADA's reach in a way that benefits businesses and people rather than penalizes them.

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At AllyADA, we make working with us easy. Reach out today. Get started tomorrow. Call, email, or request a quote.

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